Salmon River Gorge April 1983 Expedition Salmon River Gorge

Beyond Rolling Riffle Camp, the Salmon River Trail climbs abruptly to the high bluffs that rise above the Salmon River Gorge. As the trail crests the first set of bluffs, the roar of Final and Frustration falls can be plainly heard echoing from the gorge, far below. This part of the Salmon River Trail is heavily visited, and a number of use paths have been worn into the soft scree on the bluffs, as hikers attempt to catch a glimpse of the roaring lower group of waterfalls.

As a result, this has become one of the most dangerous parts of the trail, and at least one hiker has been killed while trying to view Final Falls from these heights. Though the various criss-crossing use paths to the viewpoints below the bluffs seem to offer safe passage, they should only be attempted by the most sure-footed, and then with great caution, particularly during spring and early summer.
These photos are ©Tom Kloster 1983, and may not be reproduced or used without permission Next Image from the April 1983 Expedition > < Back to Index Page